July 23, 2009

Movie Party

The boys were so excited that Coraline finally came out. So we rented it and bought brownies. Thats how the Armenta's role!!!!!!!!

July 19, 2009

Sunday BBQ

Today I thought it would be fun to invite the siblings over and have a bbq at Liberty Park. So we did all the shopping for it, and got packed up in the car and headed to the park. When we got there it was just our luck that there was some hippy party going on. We walked all over the park (and if any of you have ever been there you know what a big park it is) looking for a bbq and empty picnic table. We finally found one and unloaded everything that we brought. Just as Victor was about to start the bbq up, the Liberty Park workers came up and said this pavilion is reserved. So we wasted a good hour at the park for nothing. Not to mention we spent it in the freaking heat. So we decided to pack everyone up and head back to our house and bbq there. Once we got everything unpacked and got dinner going, we had a very good time. We played with sweet babies and just hung out. I dont know what was wrong with poor Asher, but her cried the whole time he was here. I tried everything and the poor sweet heart just cried and cried. He broke my heart.
But over all it was a great night!!!!

July 3, 2009

Happy 4th of July

A night of cravings fulfilled!

Kaycie was SO happy to get her chinese food, in the box with chopstix!

The boys trying so hard to use their chopstix

Ravy got her albertson chocolate chip cookies!