October 26, 2008

A "Pre"-Halloween Party

Damon is Iron Man

Look at their Super Hero Muscles

They got their faces painted

October 21, 2008


Carving Pumpkins was so fun this year. We have never done it as a family. Last year I just had the boys paint their pumpkins and before that they were too young. Victor has never carved a pumpkin either. So it was so funny to watch the three boys carve. Boys are so prissy. Damon kept saying "eww this is disgusting" while pulling a gross face.

The boys picked out such small pumpkins we couldn't do any of the cool designs that we bought at the store. So we just did old fashion jack o lantern faces

October 18, 2008

Getting Ready for Halloween

Today we took the boys out shopping for their halloween costumes. They were so excited to pick them out. After a long debate Damon finally decided to be Iron Man. He either wanted to be Iron Man, or one of the Transformers. But after seeing Iron Man he thought he was pretty dang cool. Skyler on the other hand has known for months that he was going to be Batman.

Then of course we had to go get our pumpkins. The boys wouldn't pick out anything big. They wanted their pumpkin at a size that they could carry it. So our front porch has a bunch of little tiny pumpkins. But whatever makes them happy. I think they are wanting to carve them tonight so of course i will be taking pictures of that as well.

theyhad a pretty fun day!

October 13, 2008


Ok,Ok I know I have been slacking. I am so sorry! I barely have time to think these days.
So let me update everybody on our little life here in Georgia. Victor is still doing terrific in school. He took a test last tuesday and scored a 96%. He has another test tomorrow that he has been studying his butt off for. Which I know he will do great on. Damon had a fun and long week. On Monday he started Pre-K. His new schedule is 8:30-3:30. Very long day for him. But he is loving it. He gets to take the big boy bus to school. On wednesday he went on his first field trip to a childrens concert. He had so much fun. Skyler is having fun in his daycare class. He just moved up to a new class and he absolutely loves his new teacher. She is a sweet heart and loves him. My job is going well. Just work, work, work, work!!!!!!!

This weekend, on friday of course we did our traditional brownies and movie sleepover with daddy. Then on saturday I had to go to training classes all day long. Then we took Damon and Sky to play at McDonalds. On Sunday we all were a little sick so we layed low.
Today is Columbus day and I knew Victor would have the day off, so i took the day off too so we could all have an extra day to spend together. So we went to the park and took the boys to the Childrens Science Museum. It was so fun. The boys loved every second of it. We spent a good three hours there. It was great!!! It has been a wonderfuly long weekend (too bad its over already)
Again, sorry for slacking!! Below is a slideshow of our weekend!

Our Fun Weekend