April 30, 2008


Victor started Nursing school last week. Yesterday he took his first test and scored 97%. I am so proud of him. In the first eight weeks of his training he will be taking a total of 10 tests. For those of you who do not know already, in seven weeks we will be moving to Georgia (i know im as excited as all of you are) To say the least I am far from thrilled about the issue, but there is nothing I can do about it so that will be the end of my complaining. We are all going to try and make the best of our situation. The best part is though, is once we get to Georgia Victor will be able to live at home with us. He will attend his classes like a 9-5 job. So the boys and I are really excited for that. (there is a little light at the end of the tunnel)
Other than that, the same old stuff is happening here. The boys and I just play all day long, and then at six oclock every day we go pick Victor up and bring him home for dinner. Then he has to be back at 8:30. The past couple of days the weather has been perfect. It has been about 80 degrees but breezy. Not humid like it has been the past couple of weeks (YUCK) But good things never last. Our forcast for this weekend is in the 90's. That is not exciting at all.
Well, i just wanted to give y'all an update on our lives. I haven't posted anything new in like a week so there you have it. I love you guys.

Damon was loving skyler so sweetly, while skyler was trying to get someone on the phone.
Today Sky had both of our giant T-Rex's and he kept saying that they were fighting.
Sky was in his room watching a movie and i passed by and say him laying on the floor and he had put his Spider Man on a motorcycle. (he is so freaking cute)

April 18, 2008

The Perfect Day

Today was such a perfect day. It was 74 degrees and breezy. It was just beautiful. The boys and I found a new park on base. It kicks butt on all the other parks we have found here. It was beautiful and the boys had a blast.

At the park the have a creek and if any of you know my boys, they were in absolute heaven.

Is it weird that i have never seen a lilly pad in person? Huh.... anyways i thought they were beautiful!

Cute Kid!

Cute little flower trying to grow amongst the lilly pads

Such a beautiful park (it reminded me of washington, with all the trees)

What a goof ball ( yes that is scotch tape wrapped around his head.... why???? dont ask me)

damon has never seen one of these, he thought it was so cool



-OH, AND THE BEST PART OF THE WHOLE DAY IS, WE GOT VICTOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

April 17, 2008

Over the Week

Victor is in a hold over, which means his classes haven't started yet. Everyday this week them have given him a 2 hour lunch break to help pass time. So every day I make us all lunch and we meet at a park on base and eat and watch the kids play. It has been really nice.

Oh I love him

We had to go to Target this weekend and buy my skinny husband some new clothes. (he has lost 60 pounds since he left for basic trianing) While we were waiting for him to try clothes on Skyler picked out a stylish hat, and Damon picked out some FAB glasses.

Last weekend we took the boys to Chuck E Cheese. (their favorite) I took this picture because i thought it was funny how my kids are the only ones cheating. Skyler just walks the ball up there and chooses what hole to put it in.

If any one cares, this is where Victor lives now. Instead of living in a room with 60 other soldiers, he now shares with only three people. They have their own room and bathroom. He says it is very nice compared to what he is used to.

This is my very tired soldier. He has gotten less than six hours of sleep ever since last weekend.

The boys got their hands on some blue smoothies, actually, that is how i got them to behave at the gyms play place. They are always beating kids up so every week i have to bribe them with something. It works.

April 12, 2008

This Weekend

Yesterday, we went to dinner with Victor at the Asian Buffet. The Sgts. finally decided to let them have their night , so we were able to have victor all night long.

Today, Uncle John came over and watched the boys while Victor and I went down town to the River Walk. I love it down there, it is so beautiful and so much more fun to enjoy with out kids running around. We went to our favorite place to eat, Paesanos then we did a little shopping. It was a good day.

April 11, 2008

A little extra time with my Family

Luckily for me, they flew on American Airlines. So I got to spend a whole extra day with my family. It was great. We spent the day by the pool soaking up the San Antonio sun. It was such a great day to swim.

Mom, Bill & the gang came to visit us!

These are just a few pics of the super fun week we spent together. We went to seaworld, and drove down to Corpus Christi for some beach fun. We had so much fun with them.

April 3, 2008

Victors Graduation Dinner

First Platoon (victors group)