January 31, 2008

We Love having Daddy Home!

The boys love to wrestle and mess around with their daddy.

The first thing Damon says to Victor when we pick him up every night is "daddy I want to jump on your back" So when we get home, victor goes on our bed and protects himself under all the blankets and pillows and lets the boys jump all over him. He is a trooper!

I love when daddy is home too!

January 30, 2008

A little Spiritual Note

"The treasures of both secular and spiritual knowledge are hidden ones-but hidden from those who do not properly search and strive to find them... Spiritual knowledge is not available merely for the asking; even prayers are not enough. It takes persistence and dedication of one's life... of all treasures of knowledge, the most vital is the knowledge of God."

The Teachings of Spencer W. Kimball

Cute boys!

I just thought my babies looked cute today, so i wanted to show everybody!

Victors FINAL!!

Yesterday Victor took his final and scored a 93%. I am so very proud of him!!!!! The class average on this huge test was 83%. When I picked him up last night he was just beaming. He was so excited. So I took him out for a steak dinner at The Outback. Where in his words he had "the most amazing steak."
We had a great night just celebrating!

January 28, 2008

Finally-after being sick for a week, we are off to the Park!

The boys were so excited to go to the park today. We have all been sick since last sunday. So we haven't left the house for anything. And it has been so warm the last couple of day (70-75 degrees) so it was a perfect day to go to the park , and they had a blast.

Our next NBA players. They are both actually so impressive when it comes to dribbling their basket balls. They are so fun to watch.

There was three older kids and their father at the park while we were there. They all had a skate board and Damon and Sky thought they were so cool. The kids noticed how interested the boys were so they let them play along. Skyler didn't get it. He would just stand on top of it until someone would push or pull him aroung on it.

Damon was actually very good. He is so tough. He would keep falling off and falling hard. But he would just get right back on it and try again.

Skyler is just waiting for someone.

Damon going for a little ride!
When we got home daddy called. YEAH!! and he told us to come and get him. So we brought him home and he had dinner with us. Then we went to McDonalds for ice cream (thanks nana & papa) before we took Victor back for the night. Tomorrow Victor has his final. So pray for him if you will! Love you all!!

This is about all that happened this weekend!

I am just kidding, alot more than that happened this weekend but that is the only picture we took. We had Victor home for the weekend. Not as long as we usually do because the Drill Seargants are on a big Power Trip. On saturdays and sundays we are supposed to be able to have Victor home from 7:30 am until 10:30. Well on Saturday Morning they woke all the soldiers up at 4:30 am and said you are not going any where. Then they finally released them at 1:30pm and he had to be back at 8:00pm. Then on Sunday they released him at 7:30 am but told him that he had to be back at 6:00 pm. They did all this just for the simple fact that they can. He has the worst platoon. The Drill Seargants are so power hungry it gets very irritating.
But we did get to spend a little time with him. Victor is just about half way done with his schooling. Tomorrow he has his Final, and then next Monday he takes the National Registry Test, which certifies him outside of the Army to work as an EMT. He is very nervous for both. So pray for him. Victor was telling me that that Course that he is taking, in the civilian world takes eight months to complete. So he has learned eight months of education in a month and a half. That is a lot of information. So as soon as I hear his test scores for tomorrow I will post it. Oh by the way, on Thursday he took a test and got 87%. He said it was extremely hard and the class average was somewhere around 75%. So once again he did outstanding!

January 26, 2008

Boy, he is just like his mother!

This morning after breakfast, Damon cleared his spot and decided to do this dishes for me again. After he was done he told me that he needed to clean the house. So here is sweeping, he also washed to counters and cubbards and picked up his toys. He is becoming a very good cleaner. After his mothers heart!

Sickies in recovery

All week long, the boys and i have just layed low. We are all trying to get over the nasty bugs we have. I took the boys to taco bell last night and to rent some movies and it was so amazing to get out of the house.

January 24, 2008

Good Little Helpers

For the past couple of weeks, I have been trying to get the boys into a habit of every time they eat a meal, then they need to be responsible for clearing their spot. They have been doing so well. Right after they are done eating, they put their unfinished sippy cups in the fridge and then put their dish in the sink. Well today, Damon went to put his dish in the sink and realized that their was still food on it. So he went and got his stool and washed his dish. When that was finished he realized that the breakfast dishes were still in the sink. So he didn't say a word to me, he just grabbed the sponge and started washing away. I asked him " what are you doing?" he said "im just helping you"
He is such a sweet heart.

He actually did an "ok" job for his first time. Im probably still going to have to go through and re-do some, but still he tried and thats all that matters to me.

Sky started getting curious. So he got his stool. And those that know him, know that he isn't going to help. He just wants to watch.

My little sicky!

My lexy loo

I found this picture on my cousins blog and I just wanted to post so everyone could see it. She is so beautiful. I miss her so much

January 23, 2008

Deathly ill

Sorry there haven't been any new pictures in the last couple of days. We have been extremely sick. We invited some of Victors friends over on sunday and they got us sick. Two hours after they left our house it hit me first, and hard. Then the next day the boys got it as well. We have been so miserable.

My poor little babies are so sick. It breaks my heart!

This picture is of Damon tonight. (little sicky)

This picture is of Damon this morning. He has been the least sick of all of us. This morning he was up, playing and coloring. Then around 4:00 pm he crashed. He has been so sick tonight.

So Very Sad!

Rest In Peace Heath!!

January 20, 2008

Happy Martin Luther King Day!

I am like an hour early before it is officially monday, but i feel very cruddy so i wanted to make sure it made it on my blog, just incase im to sick tomorrow to post it. Have a great day everybody!

Fun Times!

Today we invited Victors battle buddies over for dinner & to hang out and watch some movies. We watched Sons of Provo. Barnes and Autry are from Georgia and had never heard of that movie. We had a lot of fun.(Barnes & his little sweetheart Camille.)

All week long Mr. Toby Barnes has been promising Damon that when he came over that he would wrestle with him. Oh boy, did damon and skyler hold him to that promise. They about beat the crap out of the poor guy.

Toby thinks we have the cutest kids in the world (he is right of course) Damon and Sky call him "uncle barnes" Damons and Skyler kept kissing him today. It was pretty sweet!

Damon decided to do a little work out after dinner, to burn his calories from the Stripe Delight!

LOOK AT THOSE MUSCLES!! His work out definetly paid off.

January 19, 2008


I JUST FINISHED 2nd NEPHI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

James David Hoffman Baptism

Victor baptized his buddy from basic training today.

Wow! They look handsome in white!


~What a Cute Family~

Before the baptism started Damon got up and led us in a song

He kept telling me "mom, shhh fold your arms"

January 18, 2008

Happy Friday

Holy cow today was so freaking cold. It got to 36 degrees today. And it was wet and windy. Very, Very miserable. Well it is friday, our favorite day of the week. Because that means it is almost time to visit daddy. This weekend is when Victor Phases (which means he is in the next phase of his training where he has free weekends, and free weeknights and can wear civilian clothing on his time) We have been looking forward to this weekend for a long time. Well tonight around 5:30 I was making dinner for Damon and Skyler and my phone rang. When I answered it was Victor and he said "Ok, jump in the car and come get me" I was so confused, I said "huh?" and he told me that after he got out of class today they told them they could leave until 10:30 pm. What a wonderful Suprise!!!! I got the boys all ready, left my uncooked meal on the stove and drove as fast as the law would permit me, to pick him up. We went to Wendy's for dinner, then just went home and watched T.V. and relaxed with the boys. It was very nice. Tomorrow morning the boys and I get to wake up at 7:30 and go pick him up. And we get to keep him until 10:30 pm.
Today Victor scored a 90% on the second half of his Trauma test. He was so excited and so pleased with himself. He said most of the questions he was a little unsure of. But when they called out his score he was so happy.
Well, tomorrow Victor has his baptism at 1:30. So after we get home I am sure I will have pictures to blog & I will tell you all about it.
Love you all!

36 degrees and Rainy in San Antonio

January 17, 2008

moms are cool too!

Because we weren't able to spend much time at the park we had alot of extra time to fill. So i thought it would be fun to make a tent in the living room. (Its even bigger and better then daddy's from new years eve) Right now the boys are having a "Jesus Marathon" with their new movies, in their awesome tent.

Blustery Day!

It was so cold today. I wasn't going to take the boys to the park but they finally talked me into it, on one condition. They had to wear their coats, hats and glove the entire time.
The city is in the process of installing this new slide. It is driving the boys completely insane. They are just so excited. Every time I would look over one or both of them would just be staring at it or circling it. They don't understand the concept of the caution tape.

It was too cold for me too play today so I observed from the car. Finally my little sugar britches came over and said "mommy i cold" and he climbed in with me while damon finished.

January 16, 2008

Its getting cold In San Anotnio

Damon loves to watch animal planet. One of the shows on there is the Jeff Corwin show. (similar to croc. hunter) All day long when I would call him by his name, he would get so angry with me and say " Mom, I am not Damon, I am Jeff Corwin." He even carried around a little rubber lizard with him all day. I took the boys to Walmart, and Damon started mouthing off to me and I said "Damon you better watch the way you are talking to me" he replied " mom I am Jeff Corwin" I don't care who the crap he is he will not speak to me that way. (Smart little brat) And of course since Damon has been someone else all day, Skyler had to be someone different as well. So after Damon would say "im not damon im jeff" Skyler would pitch in and say "im Jesus." (nana and papa shields bought them the animated book of mormon stories, so we watch those all day)
So, yeah, those little ones sure keep me going through the day. It is really starting to get cold here. Which is a bummer because our park visits are getting less and less fun because it is just to cold to play. Which means I have to start getting more creative on what we do during the day to pass the time. Oh that stresses me out. I want our days to be productive. I don't want the boys to pop movies in and out all day. Any ideas.... please let me know.

January 15, 2008

Can you say Dr. Armenta

Today Victor had a really hard test on Trauma. This test is so big and hard that they broke it up into to sections, one test today and the other on friday. He scored 92% YIPEE!!!!!! The class average was 77% and more than half failed. Only four people got A's and he was one of them. When I talked to him he was on cloud nine. I am so freaking proud of him. He is so amazing!!

As for the boys and I, we had a pretty good day. It was actually really cold today. It rained all day and we had to break out our coats. Due to it being so wet, we weren't able to go to the park. I took the boys to McDonalds instead. We had dinner there and then I let the boys loose. They played so hard.
I miss all of my family so much. I just wanted to tell all of you how much I love you. Feeling lonely is a constant emotion that i have been experiencing lately. I don't like it!

Love you all so much!